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Christian Weilert Atelier is a specialty menswear store located in Dusseldorf, Germany. Visit them in person or online to view their range of products, including our accessories.
Leopoldstr. 43a
40211 Düsseldorf
Tel.: +49 (0) 211 - 795 662 56
Maison Artling is a specialty atelier located in Paris, France. Visit them in person or online to view their range of products, including our accessories.
55, rue des Saints Pères
75006 Paris
+33(0) 1 42 22 99 92
Located in northern Connecticut, Daswani Clothiers provides specialty and custom clothing services, as well as carries many of our designs. Available in-store only.
959 Farmington Ave,
West Hartford, CT 06107
HKT Clothiers in Atlanta, Georgia is a luxury menswear store that provides personalized and custom clothing services, as well as carries an exclusive custom design by us. Available in-store only.
5378 Buford Hwy NE,
Atlanta, GA 30340, USA
+1 770-458-8682
The Man's Shop, located in Arlington Texas is well known for providing high quality and custom clothing, as well as unique accessories and enthusiastic customer service. You will find a variety of our accessories on display in person at their location.
100 S.West Street
Arlington, Texas 76010
+1 817-265-1116
Located in Vernon, Connecticut, Zahner's is a staple menswear shop in the area, providing classic items, both casual and formal and everything in between. You will find our accessories available by visiting in person.
435 Hartford Tpke,
Vernon Rockville, CT 06066
(860) 872-7349
Overbeck - Art of Tailoring, founded and owned by Bettina Overbeck. Bettina is a master of garments with a passion, creating both bespoke and MTM suits for both men and women. Her store is located in Hamburg, Germany, where you will find a selection of our pocket squares and neckerchiefs.
Hasselbrookstraße 52
Hinterhof / 1. Etage
22089 Hamburg
Tel. +49 40 56 12 84- 51 /-52